Each one of us has her own original copy.
Sort of, anyway. {My blog address is.} Last Summer, Dede Warren invited me . . . and a few other women to work on a collaborative art project, which she ultimately submitted to Somerset Studio, and they picked it up! However; my submission ended up on the cutting room floor . . . so to speak. ah, well . . . ah, well.
Oh, wait! I didn't mention . . . that's our project . . . ON THE COVER!
The other talented ladies, though, are represented pretty well . . . and I, in my never ending public service mode, will share with you, my photos of the entire project.
Unfortunately, I have a new computer . . . that's not the unfortunate part . . . that's actually the good part . . . but unfortunately, the photos that I have taken of our project are on my old one, the one with the cracked mother board . . . let this be a lesson to you to back up your photos. {grin} I'll have to take new ones, and share them with you tomorrow! I hope you can contain your excitement! {Just kidding, you know} There isn't enough light tonight to photograph without flash . . . largely because it's dark. {smile} {It is almost 1:00 AM}
In the meantime, the beautiful and talented ladies involved in this project are:
Dede Warren ~ Dream Create Share
Judy Bidwell ~ My Artistic Side
Milli Wagoner ~ Sashagirl on flikr
Sue McPherson
Ada Pringle {sorry, these last two ladies aren't bloggers}
Now that I can talk about it . . .I would like to publicly thank all of the ladies involved. I LOVE my book. I will cherish the memories of the process forever! Thank you Dede, for inviting me. I promise, if you ever invite me again . . . I'll do a collage. {Grin}
There are precious toys, like a xylophone, jack in the box, teenie little tea sets, and other things that make it onto my "Special" meter. Nothing is off limits. It's a place for exploration, and understanding, and touching. And of course, there is a window seat. My goal was an idyllic setting for imagination, study and precious reading time. I think it is quite the happiest place in our home. I know three little boys who would agree.
The room is painted the loveliest Robin's Egg Blue. One day our daughter showed our little library to a girlfriend, and I thnk I will hold her reaction in my heart forever. She said, "I think it's even easier to breathe in here."
The original occupant will be making a return visit with his bride in a few days . . . I hope they approve.