How's this for a bona fide grown up excuse to read the fun stuff!? A reading challenge, with these simple parameters: "Spring (March 21st to June 20th) . . . journey together into the magical lands of fantasy, fairy tales, folklore and mythology." Carl, of
Stainless Steel Droppings fame is hosting
this challenge for the fifth year running. I would like to know why this is the first time that I've heard! I'm saving you from the fate of waiting any longer, though!
{You know that's my mission in life.} :)
Herein are the pertinent links and a little information . . . I'm not posting my Quest {level of commitment} until I've had a little time to think on it . . . but you are allowed to join the challenge if you intend to read only one book in the three month period! How hard could that be!? I'm thinking of reading The Hobbit or maybe A Wrinkle in Time, again . . . But I have Peter Pan on my to-be-read list . . .
I'll paste a bit from Carl's post about his challenge here:
Now, for the particulars:
The Once Upon a Time Challenge has a few rules:
Rule #1: Have fun.
Rule #2: Have fun.
Rule #3: Don’t keep the fun to yourself, share it with us, please!
Rule #4: Do not be put off by the word “challenge”.
If you have participated in any of the reading events hosted here at Stainless Steel Droppings then you will know that my goal is not to try to reach some preset number of books read. It is simply to take pleasure in what is read. By the same token, I do like setting personal goals for myself and I see the value in “challenging” myself not only to read regularly but also to get out of my comfort zone on occasion. We all have books that we want to read. On top of that some of us have books we are obligated to read, be that for school or commitments we have made, etc. The Once Upon a Time Challenge is not meant to be a burden, nor is it meant to coerce you into participating in something when you feel overwhelmed. That is why you will find that the Once Upon a Time Challenge is designed to cater to everyone–those that want to set a specific goal to reach and those who know that all they really have time for is to read one qualifying book and want to take part in the fellowship that springs up during this challenge.
Your challenge options are wide open . . . choose from The Journey {which is just One Book!},
Quest the First, Second, Third or Fourth, The Short Story Challenge, or Quest the Screen. The Quests aren't what I expected them to be {each more involved than the last} . . . rather they are different configurations . . . Options! He has given us completely doable options!
Do give it some thought, eh?